Weimarer Künstlerin in der Schillerstrasse
Schillerstraße, Weimar | 2010




Nuka Péa

alias Nunu Japaridze




2006 Bilderwahn | Galerie Eigenheim, Weimar


2013-15 Weimarer Ansichten | Herdergarten, Weimar 


2014 Landscape; Rural VS Urban | The Brick Lane Gallery, London 


"Fliegende galerie"

Dauerausstellung | Herdergarten, Weimar | 2015

Herdergarten Weimar. Bilderausstellung.

Ausstellung | Landscape; Rural VS Urban | The Brick Lane Gallery, London


"NUNU JAPARIDZE is one of artists currently exhibiting in LANDSCAPE;RURAL VS URBAN. Nunu Japaridze graduated in architecture from the Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany, where she is currently living. She was very keen on drawing since her early childhood, she took drawing classes regularly at school, participated in several exhibitions and made significant steps forward to fulfil her goal. Nunu moved to Germany and while she was a Bauhaus University student, she began to draw city views, historical buildings surrounded by old trees, gardens, streets and bridges over the river. Her drawings became really popular, visitors seemed eager to get her drawings as a souvenir of Weimar. So year after year, every weekend you could find Nunu at a special place in the street drawing and selling her drawings; gradually she, as an artist, became a part of the city. A key reason of her success is that her drawings are valuable from the artistic point of view. Wonderful combination of natural and architectural landscape and texture, aesthetic sense of surroundings, relaxed and tranquil manner of drawing are what make her an individual artist."



Im Stadtbild



Tag der offenen Gärten | Herdergarten, Weimar | 08.06.2014

Tag der offenen Gärten, Herdergarten, Weimar, Thüringen